Order of a Reunion Group

The Order Of A reunion Group is a great guide in helping you to establish how you want to setup and conduct your reunion group. You can use some or all of the recommendations shared below. The key to an effective reunion group is to find what works for everyone.

I. Prayer to the Holy Spirit – Beginning the reunion group with this prayer:

  1. Fill our hearts with the Holy Spirit and the fire of God’s Love.
  2. Creates us as a people for renewal (I Peter 2:9-10 says “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, that you may declare the wonderful deeds of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Once you were no people but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy but now you have received glory.”)
  3. Gives us instruction, understanding, and wisdom about the way we are to live as disciples of Jesus.
  4. Transforms and empowers us by the power of the Holy Spirit.

II. Worship

Share ways you have worshiped the Lord in the past week through prayer life, morning devotion, worship attendance, Communion and spiritual retreat.

III. Closest to Christ

  1. The moment at which you have felt closest to Christ is not necessarily an emotional experience, although it can be. It occurs whenever you have had an experience which reminds you of Christ or makes you feel that He is at work in the world, or gives you some insight into Christ or Christian life.
  2. The moment may not necessarily be some religious occasion, in fact, it usually will not be.
  3. Each person should explain in detail why he is aware of Christ in what he related so that others can understand why.

IV. Study

  1. There are many sources for this information by which the life of grace can be strengthened and fortified, become more conscious and growing.
  2. The first book of the Christian is the Bible, the book of God’s Word, a well that never runs dry, a source of refreshment for all who draw from it.
  3. There are countless pamphlets, newspapers, magazines, and books that will keep a person well informed on what Christianity is and implies.
  4. Perhaps there are study groups or adult education classes available in your area. By all means, take advantage of these opportunities to learn more about Christ and His Church. The more we study about Christ, the more we will love Him.

V. Call to Discipleship

This section is meant to deal with bringing other people closer to Christ. It should concern some specific attempt to bring another person to Christ or to make him more aware of Christianity. We can make definite attempts to achieve certain goals and we report on our successes here.

VI. Action

How were you Christ’s hands and feet in your environment during the past week?

VII. Discipleship Denied

Share with the group any missed or failed opportunities you had to share Christ with others.

VIII. Plan

  1. One must plan to help others to know and love Christ.
  2. Every person should make some attempt each week, no matter how small, to help build up the Body of Christ.
  3. It is not necessary to have a different plan every week.
  4. This section should concern an attempt different from ordinary duties. It is not meant to deal with living our daily life, but with our effectiveness in bringing people to Christ.
  5. This section should also concern efforts different from the regular work we do. It should concern our efforts to make various situations more fully Christian.

IX. Prayers for Special Needs

Share your needs with the group. Then pray for those who may not have attended and for any other special needs that are mentioned. Everyone should have an opportunity to pray aloud. Also, add these special needs to your personal prayers during the week.

X. Closing prayer (Lord’s Prayer)

In Matthew 6:9 Jesus says, “Pray then like this:
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us; Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil; For Thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen.”